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“What man can live and not see death, or save himself from the power of the grave?” (Psalm 9:48)


Have you ever found yourself thumbing through the local newspaper, and the obituary section catches your attention? Perhaps you see a familiar name or a face that has crossed your path.  To many, an obituary column seems meaningless; and to others, it breeds premature thoughts of a subject that one wants to avoid.  I would like to propose that an occasional reading of the obituaries might change the way one lives his or her life.

You see, this small, yet ever consistent, section of a newspaper contains a summation of a person’s life, as he or she was known – accomplishments and all.  If you break this down a bit more into keywords, you have an “epitaph,” a brief statement on stone, commemorating the deceased person.  How would you like yours to read?  This could be one of life’s most significant questions.  If we take this thought to heart, we will be sober minded as was Moses, who prayed, “Lord, teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” (Psalm 90:12).

None of us knows when we will die.  But each one of us may select our epitaph.  We should consider St. Augustine’s question of old: “What do I wish to be remembered for?”  He said that asking yourself this question is the beginning of adulthood.  Jesus continually taught and warned us to live in such a way as to please God, loving Him with all our hearts.  In so doing we may look for and hasten the day of His coming, and the very thought of it may bring comfort. (1Thess. 4:18).  At the close of this devotion, we read of how men and women throughout scripture were known- they will always be exemplary because this is how the God of all creation viewed them.


How may we leave a legacy; and how can we be certain that the column, yes, even the few words that sum up our life will “make the grade?”  Here below are a few suggestions for peace in life or death:

1/ Have a solid love relationship with Jesus Christ our Lord, “When You said, “Seek My face,” my heart said unto Thee, Thy face, Lord, will I seek.” (Psalm 27:8)

2/Ask God Almighty for wisdom, every day (James 1:5).

3/Spend quality time in God’s word: “These words which I command thee shall be in your heart, and you shall teach them to your children…” (Deut. 6:6-9).

4/ “Be doers of God’s word and not merely hearers.” (James 1:22).


Living according to God’s word means living according to His will.  If we are followers of the Most High, our character will begin to take on a “God-likeness,” whereby we may be at peace with God and man.

Let’s consider our legacy, and how we may be fruitful in our own lives – for our Lord’s glory let’s make a difference!

“Good men must die, but death cannot kill their names.” (unknown)