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“…He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion.”  (Phil.1:6)

The beloved apostle probably never realized that his writings would be cherished for thousands of years.  He, in fact, never dreamed that he would be snatched out of Judaism one day to serve the Lord Jesus.  So, when Paul speaks of God “completing the work He began”, he knows about it firsthand. God Almighty did indeed start a ‘good work’ in our brother.

It is a miracle of God, that the man Saul, could one day be persecuting and destroying the church of Christ; and then shortly thereafter speak these endearing words to those he formerly despised: “Beloved saints, I Paul, long for all of you with the affection of Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 1:8)

This happened; Heaven’s Prince invaded Paul’s life and was now working His good work.  The Lord infused Paul with enough of heaven’s wisdom to pen nearly three-quarters of the New Testament, glorifying the Jesus he formerly hated. (Acts 9:11ff)

Do you feel the tug at your inner man? God has sought you out so that you may be conformed to the image of His Son.  In you, He has begun a good work.  And ahh, the refining begins, it’s time to learn a new way:  “The last shall be first,” “The greatest become servants,” “Give all to get,” “Love your enemies,” “Die to live,” “Put others first,” “The weak are strong,” “Forgive,” “Walk by faith,” “Become like children,” “ The humble shall be exalted,” etc.

Our temporal earthly journey builds toward an eternal heavenly bliss.  As the Father molds this clay and shapes our “Jesus” character, we must put our full confidence in Him, as did Paul.  He is gracious by nature, that’s why this is called “Good work”.  Blessed is the man in whom the work is having its perfect result.  The Lord will commend you when it matters the most.

May the good and precious likeness of Jesus be formed in you and me today. Amen.